Sunday, July 18, 2010


... or let's look at it in some other ways.

Treatment #4 is done with. I'm one that likes statistics. When I'm reading a book, I'm constantly checking where my bookmark lies, watching the progress I make in the book. I'm doing the same with my treatments. Once I hit treatment #4, I realized I had completed the treatment and three weeks following that brought me through one quarter of my entire treatments. A quarter of the way through and working towards a third of the way through. That feels good.

Today also marks 69 days that my body has had to adjust and compensate to the three toxic drugs that have been pumped into it. As I sit here, my body feels more weak than ever before. I just finished my first week where most of my time was spent sleeping, but I don't feel tired any more. I just feel very weak. It makes me wonder if the accumulative build up of drugs will only continue to make me weaker. That doesn't feel good.

I know the last two weeks of the last round were good as far as side effects and overall feeling well. But I also recognized that my body didn't have the strength that it used to. I understand that would be normal under the circumstances, but now I'm wondering if I'm just going to continue to get weaker and wondering if there's anything I can do to change that trend.

Maybe I'll gain some strength this next week and debunk my fear that I'm just going to get weaker. Since it is starting to affect me mentally, that will be my prayer this week. I would appreciate if you could pray for the same.


Mommy, I'm Home said...

I will keep you in my thoughts, Diana.

mom said...

I can only imagine how difficult it is not to worry about your strength, affects etc.

I'm thinking that your oncology center would be able to help you with some of this. They would know what is normal (or new normal), what to expect.

Also, I would think that perhaps there would be some resources available to you to help prevent "that trend," such as nutrition, massage, support group or ???

You definitely have lots of prayer for this journey you are on! love you!

Steve said...

Old age also affects strength. And we know you're OLD, so I want to gently suggest that you can now blame a LOT of things on your cancer treatments.

Give it a try! No matter what you say, we'll support you. :)

Sis said...

Thanks so much for the update, Diana. It always helps to know more specifically how we can pray for you, and now we know better how to pray for you. Praise God for listening to our prayers and for touching us with his answers even when we are unaware. Love you so much, Nanner!

MightyMom said...

Hang tough!

Woot woot 1/4 down and you're tolerating it WELL! (I know but some folks are hospitalized at this point for dehydration etc)

Mom's right talk to your MD about nutrition etc. But also let your body do what it needs

And I'm reminded that when Jesus was too weak to carry his cross someone else had to help him.

Hang tough my friend. You're running a marathon.... And you're 1/4 to the finish line!

Maxine said...

I'll continue to uphold you in prayer, Diana, and that the Lord Himself will uphold your body and your spirit. I can only imagine how tough this is; praying for His strength in your weakness.

Kegulneq said...

Congrats on making through the 1/4th mark! That is HUGE Diana. Absolutely something to celebrate. I'm glad you are so positive about this and I wish that I could measure my own progress the same way. LOL One thing I can say is that I am at 1 year. And I see huge differences. (You should check my blog when you feel up to it.)

I'm so proud of who you are and how you are doing and fighting this. I have been around cancer for a good majority of my life and so I can say with confidence that you ARE doing amazing. It may seem like a long road ahead but know that we are all here to support and love you. And remember that when you are at your weakest God is at his strongest. <3 you!

Karen said...

Hi Diana, I've been remiss in keeping up with most of my blogging friends this summer. In fact I haven't even done a very good job in keeping up my blog!

I was surprised to pop over here and read about how far along you already are in your treatments (I'm sure it may not feel that way to you though). I will jump on the prayer chain and keep you in my daily prayers! I hope the week went better than you expected.

Hugs to you and God bless you.