Thursday, June 10, 2010


I haven't updated in a few days because I don't want to sound like I'm complaining, but I owe my family an update, so here it is.

This hasn't been a very good week. They said the second round would be a little bit tougher than the first, and it has been. The tiredness/weakness lasted longer, stretching into the beginning of this last week. I've been fatigued the rest of the week, never feeling like I've had any energy.

I've had some of the same side effects as the first round (muscle spasms, dry mouth and mouth sores, diarrhea - all manageable), but have also experienced a new one - light headedness/dizziness. It's happened a few times now and it hits me out of no where. It really makes my head spin. My temperature has been slightly elevated, too - not higher than the 100.5 they're concerned about, but in the 99's.

As I was reading my paperwork again, looking at the side effects from each drug, I noticed one that I never noticed before - coughing! I've been coughing daily for the last 5 weeks thinking it was all a cold. It's probably been a combination of the two.

I'm hoping by the weekend, my "good" week will have started. I need some "good" times.


Steve said...

I hope so too. Hang in there. Wish I could hug you.

Just Mom said...


Sending you good thoughts.

Sis said...

Thanks so much for blogging Diana. Sorry you haven't heard much from me too, but you've been heavy on my mind this week and so in my prayers. I'm praying your good week comes fast :). Love you so much.

Jamey said...

Praying for your "good" week to start NOW!!

Mommy, I'm Home said...

Here's hoping for some good times for you this coming week....

MightyMom said...

Hang tough girlfriend. Concentrate on blasting those cancer cells into oblivion!! Still praying for ya