Monday, June 7, 2010


There would be nothing that would make me happier than to read back on this blog and on this post at a time when things are different when it comes to breast cancer (or any kind of cancer for that matter). Like, how about the possibility of a vaccine that could be given to women that would practically keep malignant cells from taking hold in the breast, and stop tumors in their tracks.

Doesn't that sound incredible? How wonderful it would be to know that my present and future family and friends wouldn't have to go through all that I have. A simple vaccine could keep women, their family and loved ones from the heartache of dealing with cancer. Sounds like a dream come true and how I hope and pray this will be a dream that becomes a reality.

Last week, a team at the Cleveland Clinic laid the ground work for just such a vaccine. It's only been tested thus far on mice but it shows a lot of promise. It has a long way to go before it would be approved and used (like maybe 10 years), but the journey has started, and I'll certainly be cheering from the sidelines.

You can read more about the vaccine and what lies ahead here and here.


MightyMom said...

we all pray for that....

Mommy, I'm Home said...

They did it for cervical cancer, so let's hope they do it for ALL types of cancer.

Jamey said...

That would be nice for sure!! I have three aunts (all my mom's sisters) who have went through this fairly recently. And my Grandma also went through it. It scares me.

Just Mom said...

It's promising...

mom said...

Yes, Yes, Yes!