Sunday, August 1, 2010


I wrote my last post on Don's Ipad while sitting in our pop-up camper which was sitting by a beautiful lake up high in the rocky mountains. I quickly wrote it as the family was waiting on me to start a rousing card game. I realized later that I should have explained better why talking to this pink sister was encouraging to me.

I think she and her story was so encouraging because I needed to be encouraged. I've gone through the process of the shock and sadness of losing my hair, accepting this fact, and then learning to live with no hair. I'm now at the stage where I'm just plain 'ole tired of being bald. I'm tired of wearing a hat, scarf, or wig every single day. I want my hair to grow in but so far, I just have a fine fuzz covering my head. I want to see more growth. I've even started to worry that I could be one of those rare cases where my hair doesn't grow back. I can't even imagine...

Seeing how much hair this woman had after such a short time brought my spirits up. I know I may not have the same results, but I am hopeful and can't wait until I'm done with the Taxotere, which should be August 23rd.


Jamey said...

I will wish for a full head of hair to grow in fast for you :) But in the mean time you look great in a hat! I'm glad you could go camping and get away for a while. The pictures were beautiful!

Sis said...

What a wonderfully encouraging opportunity you were blessed with, to meet this pink sister! I too pray for a full head of hair to grow back for you, Diana. And faster than you hope for! Praise God for you being refreshed by this encounter and by the great enjoyment of camping out in the God's creation with your family!
Love you so much,

Kegulneq said...

Diana your pink sister story brough me to tears. It is amazing the joy and encouragement that finding a fellow sister can bring. For you a pink sister for me a blue. I am soo happy that God gave you the opportunity to know that it ends and that their is healing and encouragement to find throughout this process. Keep your chin up lady. You are beautiful inside and out. Remember that its your heart that God sees and loves and so do we. So regardless of how long or short it takes to grow your hair back remember that it happens and just like everything else it will bring healing if you let it. I love you momma

MightyMom said...

it's wonderful that you recognized each other and shared a special sister moment!