Monday, August 16, 2010


I thought I should post an update, mainly so I can look back and remember how I felt during the different rounds.

Round 1 was pretty easy in comparison to any round that followed. Round 3's hard week was relatively light and I cruised easily on into my good week. Rounds 2 and 4 were hard, each with their own set of problems and challenges.

And round 5 has been surprisingly (I was worried after round 4) good. After the first few days, when I was in the chemo "fog" and slept the hours away, I came out feeling pretty strong. I felt very weak at this same point during the previous rounds so I made a point of making sure I was eating regularly, which included eating protein. I really don't feel like eating at all during this time, so it's a little bit of a chore, but I knew I would feel stronger with food in my belly.

I also pushed myself to get up off the couch and do something each day. That, too, was a chore at times, but I knew it would help in the long run. And it did. Not only did I feel good that I accomplished something, but it helped with my energy level. I had to start out with small tasks, but each day I felt stronger and was able to take on more, and I slept better at night.

As I hit the middle of the second week, it was obvious to the whole family how well I was doing and how different it was from previous rounds. I still had to deal with some side effects (and still do), but they are manageable and I was able to accomplish many things that I wouldn't have done previously until my third/good week. And here I am starting my third/good week and I feel nearly (I said nearly!) how I felt prior to having any chemo at all, energy wise.

It's amazing, and a little confusing and scary. Why do I feel so good? Why is it so different from previous rounds? Why are rounds different at all? If this round is good, will the next one be hard? I don't have the answers. All I can do is enjoy what I'm feeling at the moment and accepting it as a gift. Who knows what next week holds.

One thing that is affecting me, but I've just learned to live with it, is that my fingers (on both hands) and toes (on my right foot) are, hopefully, temporarily tingling numb. I actually started noticing this side effect while camping nearly three weeks ago. I asked the doctor's assistant about it and she said that it is quite normal. It's a side effect of one of the drugs and it's accumulative, getting progressively worse until the drug is stopped.

So now, I can not only look forward to having my hair start growing back, but having the tingling/numbness in my extremities to go away. And I can start looking for both of those things in about a month's time. Next week will be my last "super" treatment (3 drugs). The six treatments after that should not generate most of the side effects that I deal with now. Hurray!


Sis said...

Woo hoo! This is all great to hear, and I'm so glad you blogged. Loved the Therapy post too! I think you need a new car, sis! I don't understand why, either, that some rounds of chemo seem easier to recover from than others, but I praise God because I know He's answering many prayers for you! It's amazing how much you've had to learn to be able to manage your days through each round.

So, when you can't hop into a convertible, treat yourself to a cupcake! Love you so much, Nanner!

Momma Roar said...

Your strength inspires me!

I would believe it would be hard to try to do something each day - but I'm so glad you did and that it made you feel better!!! :)

Continued prayers for you friend!

Mommy, I'm Home said...

You're in the home stretch now, Diana!

Sending you good, healing vibes...

Just Mom said...

Hurray, indeed!

MightyMom said...

good job!
you're doing exactly right making little strides every day! you are and will see the difference in the long run!

keep up the good work my friend.

hang tough.

mom said...

What a great report! All of those "little" things you have done have reaped good results. It's similar after any surgery or major incident, baby steps lead to big strides.

Let's hear it for hair and "feely" fingers and toes!

Every day is a new surprise, huh!

love ya!

Anonymous said...

Keep pressing on! Looking forward with you to those better days ahead!

Kegulneq said...

Awesome momma! (hope its okay I call you that) So glad to hear that your doing so well on this last round!

Its been a blessing to me to watch you through this and gives me such hope to see how strong you are and how you look at so many thins with such a sunny side.

Praying that the non "super drug" time ahead is all that we are hoping for and that the worst is over.