Sunday, July 11, 2010


Whew... it's been a long time. My apologies to anyone who reads this on a regular basis or came looking for an update on how I've been doing. I have no excuses except I just didn't feel like writing.

Tomorrow, Monday the 12th, I will undergo my fourth treatment. I'm actually feeling more comfortable and hopeful going into this round than I did the last. That's because the past three weeks have been relatively easy. I slept my first week away, but the middle week was so much better this time around and my "good" week was just that, good.

Although I still dealt with some side effects, I was very happy that I didn't get any mouth sores or experience any kind of depression/weepiness. I seemed to have a little bit more energy, or it could be that I've learned how to pace myself and not to overdo my schedule.

Whatever the reasons for a decent three weeks, I'm looking forward to a repeat. And if not, I will deal with it. There's really not too many options now, is there?


Steve said...

It's good to read when things go well for you.

Mommy, I'm Home said...

Glad to hear you're doing better, Diana. I will be thinking of you as you head into Round 4.

Jamey said...

I was hoping you were feeling well enough that you were too busy to write an update :) I'm glad the last round went well. I will pray for the same this round!

mom said...

Let's hope this round is an easy one too!

Kegulneq said...

Praying for you today as you start round four. And yes there is always options to do the other and mope and pout but what I love about you is that you never let yourself do that. You dont even consider it an option and that is what makes you so strong and such a great example to my life. Love you mama!

Anonymous said...

Keep pressing on beautiful lady and I'll keep holding you up in prayer!

MightyMom said...

Atta Girl!!

Hang Tough!
soon this will be just a memory.