Sunday, June 20, 2010


I've had a wonderful week. I met with friends over lunch or dinner. I ran errands and did a little shopping. I did normal housework and fixed dinner. Food tasted like it was supposed to. Saturday, I attended a wedding of a young lady we used to have in youth group and have remained friends with the family. And I've made it to church two weeks in a row. I've felt good (just a little tired at times) and it felt good to be out and about or feel like a normal person contributing to my home and family.

But there's a down side to feeling good and wanting to be out and about and that would be my fears and insecurities about being seen without my natural hair. I basically have two choices of what I want to look like. Those choices would be bald with a hat or unnatural (or fake) with a wig. As time has gone by and I've worn the hats and wig more, I've become more used to being seen this way, but it's still not a very comfortable feeling. I kinda have to psyche myself up each time I walk out the door.

I wore the wig both to the wedding yesterday and to church today and received many compliments; how natural it looked, and how much the coloring and style is so much like what my hair used to look like. And for the most part, those statements are true, but all I can see when I look in the mirror is this fake hair on my head and all I can think about when I'm wearing it out in public is that other people are saying to themselves, "that is so obviously a wig!" and/or "she looks funny in that wig."

Like I said, though, the more I wear it, or the hats, the easier it has gotten. Something else has made it easier, too. A friend who has survived cancer wrote me some beautiful words of encouragement and this was part of her message:

"The looks you see when someone first approaches you, isn’t a reflection of you…but a thought that everyone goes through...this could be my mom, daughter, sister, grandmother, friend…etc. It’s a solemn thought and a loving moment. Just a reminder. Just running into you might remind that next person to get their mammogram, do their self-check or just tell someone they love them."

I hear those word when I notice someone staring at me a little too long or giving me strange smile, or when I'm worried that someone looks at me with pity. They have given me strength and comfort. Thank you again K.R.

And since some of you that don't live near me have asked me to post a picture of me in my wig, this is for you...
P.S. I'm not fishing for compliments here. I'm just sharing how I feel as part of the process of losing my hair. I process I wouldn't wish on any woman.


Sis said...

Wow! My first thought as I scrolled down in my reading and saw your photo was, "Why did she put an old picture up?" I would have never guessed that's a wig as it definitely looks like your hair used to look! I like it and you look great (some compliments are inevitable!) So glad you had a great weekend. Will be praying for you this week in Round 3. Love you so much!

mom said...

You look great and very natural in your wig. It's so much like you real hair. What a wise thing your friend shared with you. It's so easy to project what we think someone thinks about us.

Love the top you're wearing in that picture. That color looks so good on you.

Kim Varey said...

I am really very amazed at how much it looks like your hair! I'm so glad you put the picture up. I'm sure that we all pass and interact with people every day that we wouldn't even know are wearing a wig.

The quote from your friend is inspirational too. Thanks for sharing.



Anonymous said...

I would never have known that is a wig! You DO look beautiful and what is the most beautiful part of you is your strength and postitive attitude. Your story inspires everyone around you and your survivor story will be full of God's love and healing.

love you Diana!

Jenn F.

Mommy, I'm Home said...

Uh, HELLO! That "wig" looks like the real deal! Seriously, when I saw the picture, before reading your post, I thought it was a picture of you pre-chemo.

nancy said...

Diana, you really do look great. And I actually thought you looked great without it!
I apologize for not being attentive to my friends over the past few months. I've missed the whole trial you've been going through when I could have been praying and encouraging you. Please forgive me. You have a wonderful group of family and friends on whom you could rely and I'm so thankful for that. I'll be following your progress. You are a great woman of faith and my admiration for you grows.

Anonymous said...

Looking at you I would never know it is a wig. And you look great. Hang in there! You are doing great!
You will have those peaks and valleys and that is ok.
Pretty soon you will count down and say, "wow, only 2 chemo's left"!

MightyMom said...

ok, the wig is cute. and it really doesn't scream "I'm wearing a wig" like you think it does.

but honestly, truly and really and I've never lied to you.

I like the hats much much better!

Have you taken a class on tying the really cute knots on the bandanas (do-rags)?? I think an adorable print with a great knot would be PERFECT for you!!

Anonymous said...

I was thinking about this post this morning as I was getting ready and thinking about how much we teach our daughters that beauty comes from within....and in your case you radiate beauty from deep within for all to see no matter what the outside looks like. I wonder where we lose that teaching from our mothers about inner are a true beauty Diana, a God given, deep inner beauty woman.

MightyMom said...

well said Jenn!!

Sara said...

I am with everyone. I thought that was your hair. It didn't look any different. I like the hats too. Keep up the good fight. We are all praying for you. Love you my friend.

Christine said...

You are beautiful, that is what people are thinking when they look at you. That is what I see. Hugs.

Diana G. said...

I agree with Christine - you are beautiful - wig, hat, whatever. Love you Diana. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh dear friend, you look beautiful! I just walked with another friend through her experience. It was hard to see her shave her head and then the wig, but praise God she is healed and just got a great report. No more treatments, no more cancer!

You are on my mind and in my prayers.

I love the photo with the hat. Your face could light up a room!

Just Mom said...

Diana, you look simply stunning and radiant! But then again, you've always looked that way -- including in the photo of you with your hat. I honestly think it's your eyes, which reflect such a beautiful soul, that catch people off-guard and make them want to look in your direction.

You're still in my thoughts and prayers.