Friday, May 28, 2010


I met with a nutritionist today at the cancer center. It's a free resource that the center offers it's patients. I will be taking advantage of that. They also offer free massages but I haven't scheduled one of those yet. After the hour with the nutritionist, I had blood drawn for lab work to make sure my blood platelets are good to go for my next round, which will be Tuesday, June 1.

I felt comfortable going to the center wearing a hat because I've seen plenty of patients there who have lost their hair. I knew I'd blend right in, and I did. As I was waiting for my name to be called, I was mentally going through the past 3 weeks and realizing how good I've felt this past week. If I didn't have this cold, I'm sure I'd feel wonderfully perfect.

Here's a recap of Round 1...

tired/weakness... intense during days 3-4. A lot better by day 5 and had some fatigue throughout the whole time.
headaches... have had them off and on the whole time.
diarrhea... plagued by this off and on but taking immodium helped tremendously.
aching joints/muscles... slowly diminished to no longer a problem, around day 8 or 9.
loss of taste buds... days 8-11 were the worse but then it started getting better. Today they are back to 100% but I've been able to eat spicy foods and even sip on a diet coke.
mouth sores... I had serious mouth sores that cropped up at the same time my taste buds went haywire. I treated them with some over the counter medication and they finally were healed. It was a painful few days, though.
dry skin... my skin dried out quite a bit but it actually helped my complexion. I have to use more moisturizer on it.
hair loss... it started on day 15 and continues.

Not bad. I have a lot to be thankful and hopeful about. I'm hoping Round 2 goes as well.

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