Monday, May 10, 2010


I had my port put in this morning. I'll be honest, I was very nervous about this procedure. I knew they were going to have to cut me open and that makes me anxious and scared. But it went well. They gave me some sort of drug that didn't totally knock me out but gave me that feeling of not really caring what was going on. I know I heard the doctors talking through some of it but I think I fell asleep for most of it.

There were two incisions made; one for the actual port which sits on my right side a couple inches above my bra and the second was for the connecting wire that goes into my jugular vein (you can see it in the picture below). I'm not crazy about having it but it's needed. Not only will it make it easier to access my veins when it's time for the chemo, but I've heard that the chemo can burn up your veins and this takes care of that problem. I guess I should be thankful that I have it.

Thank you Jake and Danielle for going with me and being there for me. You made it a lot easier for me.

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