Thursday, November 25, 2010


Today is Thanksgiving. I have reflected all day long on what I'm thankful for, and I wanted to share a few of those things here.

I am so thankful for the health I have at the moment. As I worked around the kitchen today, I couldn't help but remember the days that I was too weak or fatigued to do much of anything. My strength has returned and it feels good to feel normal again.

I am thankful that the journey I've been on for the past few months has been as manageable as it has been. I'm thankful that the hard stuff is over with and that the end (hopefully) is near. And believe it or not, I'm actually thankful for the journey itself. I've learned a lot about myself and the God who loves me.

And last, but definitely not least, I am thankful for my family and friends - and that includes blogging friends - who have supported and loved me through this challenging journey. I considered joining a support group in the beginning, but it didn't take long for me to realize how much support I was getting from those around me. Encouraging words, offers to do whatever I or the family might have needed, flowers, cards, and most importantly, prayers, helped me get through it all.

I have to say that I have a lot to be thankful for and I feel very blessed.


Sis said...

Amen!! Love you and am so glad you are feeling so good. Thank you Lord!

Bro said...

Ditto! :)

Lori said...

Love your thankful list and thankful heart.
I'm glad that you are feeling better.

I am so thankful for you dear friend too.

mom said...

Oops - haven't checked your blog for a little while, so sorry because I missed reading about all of your blessings.

Sis and Bro said it well, as did Lori.

I am so proud and joyful of your cancer/faith journey.

MightyMom said...

Merry Christmas my dear friend!
enjoy your family this week!

FAMEDS said...

Hi Diana,

Great to stumble on your blog! Best of luck on your journey! Have you heard about FAMEDS's Fight for Avastin to stay on-label? Please sign & share the petition to save 17,500+ women with metastatic breast cancer: